A Simple Baked Egg

One of the easiest and most delicious healthy meals for one....


A Simple Baked Egg for One

It can be tough to cook for one. It is even more difficult to cook healthily for one. And then add on top of that the fact that you want the meal to be healthy! Well... I'm here to change your mind! It isn't actually that hard!

Baked Egg for ME!!!

Egg, 1/4 cup Tomato Sauce (I used leftover homemade), 1/8 cup Goat Cheese, 1/8 cup mixed Shredded Cheese, Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a ramekin with nonstick cooking spray. Fill the ramekin halfway with tomato sauce. Crack the egg into the middle of the sauce and add sauce as needed to fill the ramekin. Top with the goat cheese and shredded cheese as well as the salt and pepper to taste. Cook 8-10 minutes or until desired doneness. The whites should be cooked but the yolks still soft and the cheese should be hardening and beginning to brown. Top with fresh herbs and serve with a side of greens.

Simple and delicious, this dish has less than 200 calories but lots of nutrition! Easy!

A Simple Smoothie

I am a breakfast person. I need sustenance in the morning so I don't get hangry, so I'm productive, and so I can just get started with the day.

Breakfast has so many benefits. Well - a healthy breakfast does. One that is high in lean protein, vitamins, and minerals. Breakfast helps with better performance, including concentration, strength, and endurance. Breakfast-easters have better short-term memory. Breakfast also helps improve one's mood by providing glucose to the brain.

The studies go back and forth about whether breakfast is crucial for weightloss or not. While the studies show that breakfast eaters tend to be more slender, this observation is a correlation and does not necessarily show a causation of breakfast causing weightless. 

Berry and Banana Smoothie

In a blender (I love my nutribullet), combine 1 banana, 1 cup assorted berries, 1 scoop protein powder, 1/2c skim milk (or almond or coconut), 1/2c water, and 1 teaspoon maca powder. Blend until smooth. Here I topped with 1t ground flaxseed, 1t chia seeds, and 1t shredded coconut. (These can also be blended in).

Meringue - Soft and Sweet 🍓

I have a tremendous sweet tooth.... Working in the wellness field, this is not always the best thing to admit. So, I find ways to satisfy that sweet tooth while not having too much sugar.

Last week, I was in a mood for sweets (ha... what else is new??), but didn't want to be too naughty.

I picked up a larger meringue, cracked and crumbly, and topped it with Icelandic yogurt (you have to try Siggi's Skyr... it is delicious!) and a cup of chopped strawberries. The Skyr has 2-3 times the protein than regular yogurt without excessive sugar and without artificial sugar. Siggi's uses milk without growth hormones. Just 1 cup of strawberries has 160% of the recommended daily dose of Vitamin C. It is heart-healthy and helps fight cancers. My version - a healthier type - of Eton Mess, has enough protein and vitamins to make a meal of it! Num num!