Anxiety Awareness

Do you suffer from anxiety?

A mindfulness approach to your struggle can help you utilize the anxiety to your benefit. Anxiety is based on thoughts of the past and future, not the present. On the other hand, mindfulness makes us focus on the present.

Anxiety is a constant partner in our lives. By being aware of changes in the body and mind, we can find out what makes us anxious and learn how to cope with the anxiety in a healthy manner. Mindfulness allows people to become present and in turn, the stress and anxiety will decrease.

Several times a day, make a point to notice your anxiety. Notice how your body feels, your emotions and thoughts that are associated. Are your thoughts running away? Is your heart racing? What time of day is this? What are you doing? Watching the news? Driving to work or school? Drinking coffee?

Be Grateful!!

Too often in life these days, we become caught up in the idiosyncrasies of daily life. We get bogged down by the bad things and don't notice the good, becoming weighed by the stressors, to the point where our negative moods take over, affecting our physical and mental health and overall being.

Take some time to think of 5 things or people for which you are grateful. Make your list. Let your list grow and feel the gratitude towards your life.

  1. Do you have someone who loves you? Friends, family, a partner, spouse? 
  2. Do you have a job, which provides you the means to take care of yourself?
  3. Do you have food, which in turn gives you nutrients?
  4. Do you have somewhere to live? A roof over your head?
  5. Are you healthy enough to walk, to talk, to breathe?

Be thankful for all that you have.

What will your attitude be this week?

It's amazing what a shift of attitude can do for a person! By having a positive attitude, not a negative one, we look at things with a different light; we become healthier; we attract the right tribe. 


While sometimes it is easier to ignore those "rose colored glasses" and to focus on the negative, taking a mindful approach to look at the good, helps to change perspective. Look for the happiness and positivity in life. Share this happiness with others. Believe that happiness can be a choice! Your attitude will change and it will make a difference!

Yoga - A Practice of Mindfulness 🙏🏻

Yoga has become one of my favorite exercises - something to practice several times a week. I slowly began practicing when I started running - as a way to strength train, to stretch, and to center myself.While I often go to classes at local studios o…

Yoga has become one of my favorite exercises - something to practice several times a week. I slowly began practicing when I started running - as a way to strength train, to stretch, and to center myself.

While I often go to classes at local studios or my gym, I also practice on my own, at home. Yoga is constant work, something I'm always striving on, and by going through the routines, the rhythm of it, I allow myself to release the pressure that I sometimes put on myself in other more competitive situations.

Yoga emphasizes being willing and open-minded. In order to get through some of the poses, you have to dare. You have to be able to kick your legs into a handstand and not be afraid to fall. If you fall, you try again. And that's how you succeed. Through this, it also teaches mindfulness. Mindfulness is defined as "the intentional, accepting and non-judgememental focus of one's attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment" (Zgierska, 2009). By focusing on the yoga, you can move through the movements intentionally and be able to feel the sensations. This allows one to learn mindfulness and take it to others spaces in life, such as eating or stress relief.

One of my favorite yoga instructors is Emily (pictured above). For more information about her classes, please visit

I hope you take some time to go practice this week. Namaste.